Soil/Sediment Analysis
We are able to undertake analysis of samples of soil and sediment for a range of inorganic and organic trace contaminants. Our capabilities extend further to various soil/sediment analysis, including regulatory requirements such as the Dutch list required by the National Environmental Agency and Jurong Town Corporation & Maritime Port of Authority for dredged materials.
​We are experienced with the following soil/sediment analysis:
Physical parameters such as pH, Moisture content, Organic Matter, Solids, etc.
Organic – VOC, SVOC, TPH (Diesel & Gasoline), Pesticides, PCBs, Phenolic content.
Inorganic –Nutrients, Metals (mineral and trace elements) in ppm and ppb range, Cyanide, etc.
Bioaccessibility/Bioavailability Arsenic and Lead
Fall/Settling Velocity by Owen tube method
Materials finer than 75 um
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) by USEPA
Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) testing in accordance with Dutch Standard
Testing for IBA, IFA, and waste characterization
Matured Compost Analysis